Home 931
- 03. The pattern was trace on paper, then cut out and traced on 16 gauge brass sheet.
- 02. The Dip-Seal coating has been spread out in order to make a two-dimensional pattern.
- 01. The first step was a clay model, which was dipped in hot Dip-Seal. The Dip-Seal coating was then cut and removed.
- 26. Finished
- 27. Finished
- 27. The finished piece.
- 26. Skipping to the finished piece, the last three segments have been fitted, and secured with one screw to the handle.
- 25. Those three segments silver-soldered to the handle.
- 24. Three of the segments silver-soldered together.
- 23. Five segments ready to go. The sixth segment had to be shaped differently and is not shown here.
- 22. Now the seam can be hammered closed, then silver-soldered.
- 21. Annealing again.
- 20. A little more tweaking of the shape.
- 19. Forming the rest of the way around on a steel tool.
- 18. Forcing the form with hammer and a special jig.