Home / Recent Work / Improvisation #3, made from scrap of brass sheet, 8" x 5.5" x 2.5" / Improvisation #3, how it was made 24
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- The Finished Piece. A creature from hell? An evolutionary mistake?
- 1. Scrap of 16 gauge brass, this one is almost symmetrical. I immediately thought of an animal.
- 2. A little preliminary bending.
- 3. Using the stake shown on the left, starting to form the two pointed shapes into spiculums.
- 4. Pushing out a nose from behind, using a ball stake in the hydraulic press.
- 5. Already it's starting to look like some sort of critter.
- 6. Using the raising hammer and raising stake, forming the shape.
- 7. After all that hammering, it has to be annealed.
- 8. Here the two spiculum shapes have been completely formed and silver-soldered.
- 9. More forming, this time on a ball stake.
- 10. Using the hydraulic press on the ears.
- 11. Pushing out the nose some more with the hydraulic press.
- 12. Using the small ball stake shown on the left to further form the snout.
- 13. Rounding over the head, using the stake shown on the left.